I am the storm
Speaking with a voice of thunder,
Charging the air with my electricity
Cleansing the world with my tears,
I am the mountain
Standing strong against the sky,
A landmark for those who journey by
Created in fire and chaos
Only to be reduced by water and time
I am the ocean
A vast, unknowable mystery
Home to those who seek refuge within my realm
At one moment, calm and serene,
And in the next, a violent force of destruction
I am the One Tree
I spring from the heart of Mother Earth
My roots connect deeply with all life everywhere
All time blossoms in my branches
I am the true ladder between Earth and the sky
I am the Universe
From creation, I have existed
My bones made from the stuff of stars
The forces of all life flow through me Like blood through my veins
The divine source beats through me
And moves me forward toward its ultimate purpose
I am at one with all things
Separate and yet part of all
Connected to all things, past and future
Through the reality of the one-only present moment,
I have come to life Incarnated in this body of flesh
Manifesting creation’s divine plan
My energy—my soul never dies But flows from one place to another
Until finally returning to the Place where the end and beginning
Meet at the edge of infinity For all of eternity