I know where to heal
When I start feeling pain
When the ache in my heart
Overwhelms my reason
All the times when I cry
And don’t understand
When I am triggered by something
That connects to my past
Ghosts and shadows
Of things long ago
Torments re-lived
Inflict hurt here and now
Just the thought of them
Brings the past back to life
I become paralyzed with fear
Anxiety from unseen phantoms
Then the light of truth breaks through
And reveals the present reality
Long ago trauma brought pain
And left scars that still ache
But I do not have to continue
To let it destroy me
I know where to heal
By looking inside
My feelings reveal
Old stories and lies
My truth is today
My reality now
I claim back my power
I own who I am
Knowing that all that has happened
Has brought me here
The only thing true
The only thing real
Is what is right now
Is what is before me
I cannot go back
Nor do I wish to
I will not go back
And let it still hurt me
Today I am whole
Today I am strong
I know who I am
And where I belong
No longer will I let
My thoughts rule the day
I know what they are
And where they come from
I let them float by
Along the stream in my mind
Releasing them into the void
And feeling their power subside
I tell a new story
I sing a new song
Of one who has learned
Much wisdom hard-won
I send my love to
A little boy lost
Alone and afraid
Not able to understand
Why there is so much pain
So much anger and rage
I let him feel peace
Acceptance of all that he is
In that embrace
My arms wrap around my own heart
Bringing healing and joy
And awareness of self
I know where to heal
I have all that I need
To live life on my terms
Walking a path of knowledge and love
I know where to heal
And in healing myself
I become able to bring light and love
Into a broken world
The place I go
Where others are in pain
The universe sends me
To where there is pain
I know where to heal
With tools, I have always had
And passion burning inside me
The world restored from within