Words of promise
Words to commit
Words to bind hearts and minds body and souls
Said in the midst of passion and love
Said with water dripping from one’s head
Said with warmed hearts and starry eyes
Words said hoping to manifest
Words said believing in their truth
words said with the intention of love
Over time becoming
Chains of obligation
Contracts of forced servitude
Duties that diminish the passion
Lies that burn out the soul
Dreams of equality amongst siblings transformed into
A reality of strata of caste and privilege
Divine love, grace, and mercy
Experienced as human judgment, punishment, and condemnation
The Temple is empty
The altar is desecrated
The city on the hill has become
The place where prophets go to be killed
Believe in the light in your own heart
Listen to the Cosmos’ song of love
Creation still calls us her children
Celebrate the gift to Universe that each is created to be
The hope is within
Today is the promise
Love yourself to love others
We are all given the power to save
When our words become actions,
When we fulfill the cosmic design of love,
When we understand that there is no separation
Between any of us
No need for temples or churches
Buildings that fence in and keep out
Only a place within our hearts and minds
Where we can worship love manifested
Amidst and amongst humanity
In spirit and in truth, regardless of location
Regardless of era, regardless of any label that is used to divide
Words of promise
Words of hope
Words of love
To bring life to a weary heart and a doubting mind
